(print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'chickenTitle.gif" height="500px" class="fullImg">')
[[start->Black Screen Ring Ring]](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'nasaTextOpen.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
(live: 3s)[(goto: "Exposition")](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'nasaTextClosed.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
[[Ring Ring Ring->NASA text message]] (print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'chickenSpaceship.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
When I turned 6 I became eligible to explore the stars
(click: "stars")[as part of an experimental space program geared towards reactive Red Heeler mixes with hip dysplasia]
(click: "hip dysplasia")[[I guess I fit the criteria!->Adventure]](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'spaceship.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
Chart a course for adventure!
(live: 3s)[(goto: "Navigation")](if: (history:) contains "Moon 1" and "Beyond" and "Asteroid Belt")\
[I'm getting a distress signal!
[[Go to distress signal->Distress signal]]]\
[Where do you want to go?
[[The moon->Moon 1]]
[[Asteroid Belt]]
[[Beyond]]](print: '<video src="' + $imgPath + 'moonFlight.mp4" autoplay muted height="400px" class="fullImg">')
(live: 3s)[(goto: "Moon Landing")](print: '<video src="' + $imgPath + 'moonSniff.mp4" autoplay loop muted height="400px" class="fullImg">')
[[What's this??]](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'cheeseMoon.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
What a glorious discovery! The moon is indeed made of cheese :)
[[Take a sample]](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'cheeseMoonBite.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
[[Go to the moon bunker]](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'moonBase.jpg" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
Looks like an old space lab from previous expeditions
[[Go inside the bunker]](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'goodBadChoice.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
Which door will you choose, Chicken?
[[Good Boys]]
[[Bad Boys]](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'beefRobot.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
I read about this in the space training manual NASA gave me—it's the Beef Rollatron 6000! Built to dispense treats for brave astronauts like me.
[[Dispense]](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'badChoice.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
(live: 3s)[(goto: "Bad Boys 2")](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'moonSquirrel.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
This room is filled with moon squirrels!!
[[After them!!]](print: '<video src="' + $imgPath + 'squirrelChase.mp4" autoplay muted loop height="400px" class="fullImg">')
(live: 5s)[(goto: "Navigation")](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'chickenTreat.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
[[Back to ship->Navigation]](print: '<video src="' + $imgPath + 'asteroidBeltFlight.mp4" autoplay muted height="400px" class="fullImg">')
(live: 3s)[(goto: "Asteroid Belt Float")](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'wormhole.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
It's a miracle of physics! I've found a wormhole!
[[Hop dimensions->Picasso dimension]](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'picassoDimension.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
[[Hop dimensions->Play Doh dimension]](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'clayChicken.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
[[Hop dimensions->Pixel art dimension]](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'pixelChicken.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
[[Hop dimensions->Human hands dimension]](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'chickenHands.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
[[Hop dimensions->Balloon dimension]](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'balloonDog.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
[[Hop dimensions->Back to normal]](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'chickenNormal.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
That felt like a waste of time
[[Back to ship->Navigation]](print: '<video src="' + $imgPath + 'dogPlanetFlight.mp4" autoplay muted height="400px" class="fullImg">')
(live: 3s)[(goto: "Dog planet expo")](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'dogWizard.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
Thank you for responding to our distress beacon, Captain Chicken. Our civilization is on the brink of [[despair]] (print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'relic.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
Many decades ago, a strange object was discovered on our planet, an object we call "The Pipe." This object has cursed our lands, destroying our crops and making our [[people]] sick.(print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'dogKnight.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
We've sent our bravest warriors to deal with The Pipe, but none have prevailed.
Please, Captain Chicken, [[help us]].[[This is the moment I've been training for->Take]](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'relicTake.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
(live: 3s)[(goto: "Yes")](set: $imageOpacity to 1)
(live: 0.1s)[
(css: "opacity: " + (text: $imageOpacity) )[<img src="../cws3/assets/img/relic.png" height="400" class="fullImg">]
(set: $imageOpacity to $imageOpacity - 0.10)
(if: $imageOpacity <= 0)[
(set: $imageOpacity to 1)
(live: 3s)[(goto: "Hero")]
(print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'hooray.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
You did it Captain Chicken! You're a hero!
[[Go back home]](print: '<video src="' + $imgPath + 'earthFlight.mp4" autoplay muted height="400px" class="fullImg">')
(live: 3s)[(goto: "Parachute")](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'chickenParachute.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
(live: 3s)[(goto: "Couch ending")](print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'theEnd.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
The End :)
[[Rachel click here]][[begin->Title]](set: $imgPath to "../cws3/assets/img/")(set: $imgPath to "/Users/Kevin/Documents/Twine/Stories/assets/img/")(print: '<img src="' + $imgPath + 'chickenMoon1.png" height="400px" class="fullImg">')
This is one small step for dog, one giant leap for dogkind
[[Sniff the moon]]
[[Go to the moon bunker]]bgmusic: ../cws3/assets/audio/numan.mp3{
(track: 'bgmusic', 'playwhenpossible')
}(print: '<video src="' + $imgPath + 'asteroidBelt.mp4" autoplay muted loop height="400px" class="fullImg">')
[[Back to ship->Navigation]]|text>[Dear Rachel,]
(live: 4s)[
(replace: ?text)[(t8n:"dissolve")[We made it through another year and I love you more than ever ]]
(live: 9s)[
(replace: ?text)[(t8n:"dissolve")[I’m so excited for whatever this year will bring our family]]
(live: 14s)[
(replace: ?text)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
We’ll see new places ]]
(live: 16s)[
(append: ?text)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
Meet new friends]]
(live: 18s)[
(append: ?text)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
Get soooo into our shows]]
(live: 20s)[
(append: ?text)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
Listen to songs together until they become Ours]]
(live: 23s)[
(append: ?text)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
Teach chicken how to love and be loved]]
(live: 26s)[
(append: ?text)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
Embark on new projects]]
(live: 28s)[
(append: ?text)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
Embrace new obsessions]]
(live: 32s)[
(replace: ?text)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
I say this with all the love in my heart:]]
(live: 36s)[
(append: ?text)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
You drive me crazy]]
(live: 40s)[
(replace: ?text)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
Dearly and deeply,]]
(live: 42s)[
(append: ?text)[(t8n:"dissolve")[